Schyling Mini Tin Robots Wind-Ups from 2015.
Four shown of an assortment of designs and
colors. These brightly colored, tin lithographed
robots measure just over two inches, and walk
when wound.
Above: Arriving fresh from the robot factory.
right: They converge on a Hexbug platform
through a Geomag transport portal, in the small
Magellanic Cloud.
In the lunar landscape of the Space Fortress.

Toysmith Never-fall wind-up robots from 2010 were
available in six colors and two styles. Left: Dark
pink round robot with Secret Saturdays Cryptopedia.
Middle: Dark pink, light blue, light pink, and green
robots wait at Robotix space train station. Right:
They're equally at home at Dexter's Lab Colorforms
Below: A never-fall Toysmith "Freaked Out Alien"
saucer invades the station. Middle: Two saucers
collide with the space train. Robots ride the lower
level Geomag space track, as two Tomy wind-ups pass
on the upper level.
left: These tiny robots led the pack of Tomy's
famous white knob wind-ups, which came in a few
variations. usually they were found in displays of
Tomy animal wind-ups, and have been perennially
popular for decades. Middle: Later they were
individually carded as "Rascal Robots". Right: Two
robots discover a mysterious Geomag pyramid, the
glow of which highlights their metallic,
electroplated plastic bodies and translucent domes.


left: Masudaya's metal wind-up space car has a
captive key, and depicts "Smoking Spaceman"
robot on the roof. Masudaya's plastic wind-up
Robby comes to the rescue of the crashed space
car. Above right: an interstellar light show
bathes Masudaya's Robby and B-9 wind-ups. Each
feature color matched winding knobs: black for
Robby, and silver for B-9.
Below left: wind-ups then and now. A recent tin
repro of one of the first tin robots, Robot
Liliput, in a green variant poses with Futurama
star, Bender, from Rocket USA. Both have large,
removeable keys. Below right: an invasion force
of green and red tin and plastic ZV200 robots,
from Playgo, distributed by Russ. They're wound
by a small built-in lever on the side, and have
a pre-worn, "distressed" look.