Treasure X robots from Moose Toys have some
affinites to their earlier Treasure X dinosaurs and
aliens. They come in three sizes. The two smaller
sizes are packaged in "blind boxes", so you don't
know which robot you're getting from a variety of
styles. Parts are swapable between same-sized
robots. In the Gold series, one in twelve boxes has
the gold jewel, although I'd hope that's not why
someone might collect these robots. The box warns
it's not for under 3 years of age, due to small
You don't only dig for treasure, but for the robot
parts. As it says on the box, "Remove", "Build",
"Discover". Those three invitations correspond
to the three containers inside the outer box. The
first is a clear blue tank, which one turns upside
down, filling it with water to remove "rust" from
the robot carcass. Then one uses the key to get the
robot out of the tank. The second box may be opened
with the other end of the key which looks like a
little saw (and often without it). This holds more
parts for the robot. The third box is very fun to
open. Although it looks like solid plastic, you can
crush it and rip the pieces apart. There's a bit of
clean up of the "rust" which is like brown water,
and the dirt or sand in one of the boxes.
Above left: The Mega bot, which has lights and
sounds. In TV commercials it looks like it moves on
its own, but look closer and you'll see the hand
moving it. Middle: The unboxed robot. Right: The
robot's hand can be manually moved to crush the gray
box, but it's more fun doing it yourself. The box
advertises "25 levels of adventure", which means
there are that many steps to building it. As you can
see, the robot is clearly displayed, not "blind
boxed". Also, you always get the gold.

Left: the box for the midsize robot. It advertises 15
levels of adventure, each shown by a small picture
on the box. It also reads "6 Robots to Collect" as shown
on the Collector's Guide in the box. Once built, the robot
is about five inches high, and can be displayed on the
blue tank. In the ten inch high box are the tank and
two other containers of robot parts.
Left: Goldweb, built and standing on the tank. Right:
Goldiator, ready for battle, keys at the ready.
Left: A Collector's Guide to 16 mini bots, which
have 8 levels of adventure. Right: An unboxing
video for mini bots by Adventure Fun, which has
various videos on Treasure X Robots and other toys
and figures.
Left: The onscreen logo for Planet Zizzle. Right: A mini
bot unboxing video airing on Planet Zizzle.